
End of diet program - Mochi

Hehe, this is the end of the diet program for nearly 1 week. I'm moving to HCMC in June. And I'm not gonna waste a penny on clothes there. So, I wanna buy all the clothes I need by the end of May. I know that I really have to stay away from high calorie food, especially all kinds of rice. But guess what? Someone buys Mom some sweet rice, and all of it has to be eaten in 13 days! >.<
Well, tomorrow, we'll be having big big feast in the morning cuz my mom decides to make a dish called "Xoi vo", combination of green bean and sweet rice. A chance for me to learn how to make it. You'll see tomorrow :D

And tonight, I've just made quite a number of mochi, a Japanese rice cake with anko filling. Actually I dont really like mochi. When my cousin gave me one box of mochi(es) she bought from Japan, I was very disappointed cuz it wasn't good as I expected. Maybe too sweet. Then, today I decide to make some myself. I added less sugar. And it turned out pretty good. It goes well with TEA! Anyway, wont talk about this anymore or I'll crave for it again. I already ate alot tonight. :))

The recipe can be found everywhere on the internet. I just use basic mochi recipe and anko recipe. Very easy. Here is mine:

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